5. to 8. September 2021, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt
About the Conference
The Mensch und Computer (MuC) conference offers a platform for contributions and discussions on innovative forms of interaction between humans and technology, on user-oriented development methods, interactive applications and other topics from the field of tension between users, organizations and communities on the one hand and their information and communication technologies on the other. The aim of the conference is to discuss innovative research results, to promote the exchange of information between science and practice, to raise awareness of the relevance of user- and task-oriented technology design in science and the public, and to stimulate research activities and training in this field.
We are looking forward to an exciting, inspiring and multifaceted “Mensch und Computer 2021”. This year, Mensch und Computer is addressing a particularly current issue: Under the heading "Rise into a new future", we are looking at the transformation process driven by digitalization. The entire information society is facing radical change, not least due to the (renewed) rise of artificial intelligence and its application in numerous areas. In particular, the COVID19 crisis in 2020 has shown us that the "more, more, more" by which our society is currently oriented is not a sustainable model. A return to the essentials, a focus on what is necessary, but at the same time a renewal through joint human-computer symbiosis (as Paul Fitts so aptly described it in the 1950s with "Humans are better at" - "Machines are better at") and interaction at eye level as well as a mutual understanding of humans and technology are necessary to meet the demand for healthier, more sustainable living.
And accompanying this process is the core motto and goal of the "Mensch und Computer 2021" conference, which is being hosted by a (technical) university of applied sciences for the first time since 2006. Ingolstadt as the venue is not a random choice. Where else if not at the THI, one of the most innovative and strongest universities of applied sciences in Germany, is it more fitting to unite these different topics under one roof.
We are already looking forward to welcoming you at THI in September 2021 for the "Mensch und Computer" conference - and to set off into a new future together with you in September 2021!
Andreas Riener
Simon Nestler
(Co-organizers of the MuC 2021)
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