
MCI-TUT01: Game-Design: The math bootcamp

Walter Hower

This tutorial, already tested on the last 3 MuCs, has an interactive (participatory) character. Discrete mathematics forms the basis of computer science for MCI, especially for game programming. The tutorial covers the following topics in this regard:

Equivalence classes for table arrangements, permutation coefficient for placement possibilities, factorial for color arrangements, binomial coefficients for axes-parallel pixel approach, sum rule for access authorization numbers, Stirling partitions, probability design for game automata, minimization for nest-fodder runs, recurrence relation for edge number in arbitrary-dimensional hyper-cube (as exemplary multi-computer architecture), cellular automaton, and trade-off between game complexity (interestingness) and run length (duration).

MCI-TUT02: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Human to human, human to AI and robot cooperation

Tom Gross,  Michael Prilla

The goal of this tutorial is to teach basic paradigms and concepts of computer-aided group work. Based on this, current developments in the area of cooperative systems with virtual reality and augmented reality will be addressed. Current trends in the area of computer-aided communication and cooperation with AI systems as well as human-robot interaction will be highlighted. This tutorial has been successfully offered several times at Mensch & Computer conferences and international meetings and is continuously updated.

MCI-TUT03: Creation of accessible/poor slides

Claudia Loitsch, Jens Voegler

The use of slides in lectures or presentations is ubiquitous, the purpose for the use of presentation slides very different. Digital accessibility is essential for many people, but is usually not considered when creating presentations. The reasons for this are manifold, for example, knowledge of the requirements for accessible presentations, their implementation and verification is often lacking.

The aim of this tutorial is therefore the creation of accessible or low-barrier presentation slides with PowerPoint and the creation of an accessible PDF file.

MCI-TUT04: An Introduction to Collaborative Tangible Augmented Reality

Dominik Schön, Florian Müller, Andrii Matviienko, Thomas Kosch

Augmented Reality (AR) integrated itself as tool for research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) that ubiquitously enriches the physical world with virtual elements. The potential of AR has been quickly recognized by the HCI community, where it opened up a space for scientific innovations. This course provides a tutorial about the conceptualization and development of a Tower Defense AR (“TowAR Defense”) app, teaching the basic principles of the creation, deployment, and testing of an AR app. TowAR Defense integrates physical objects as proxies for interaction (e.g., tower placement). Participants will develop their apps independently, deploy their apps on their own smartphones, and learn basic concepts of AR, such as the design of virtual environments, object detection, and the implementation of game logic. This course envisions to teach these concepts to participants who are new to the implementation of AR apps or plan to conduct future research in this domain.

MCI-TUT05: Implementation of HCD process assessments

Rüdiger Heimgärtner

Process assessments enable the evaluation of processes. In this tutorial, the standard HCD approach according to ISO 9241-210 and the HCD processes according to ISO 9241-220 are considered. It will explain how to prepare, conduct, and follow up on an HCD process assessment. After a short introduction to the basics of assessments, the HCD processes of ISO 9241.220 as well as the process flow of assessments will be presented and then applied in small groups and specifically practiced using concrete project examples and HCD processes.

MCI-TUT06: User Experience from Serious Games – Game development along the emotions and needs of future users

Katharina Hammel, Cornelia Schade, Antonia Stagge, Sam Toorchi Roodsari

Emotionen und Bedürfnisse bei der User Experience von Lernspielen zu adressieren, stellt eine Herausforderung dar. Ziel des Tutoriums ist es, den Teilnehmer:innen einen Einblick zu gegeben,wie Emotionen und Bedürfnisse der zukünftigen Nutzer:innen eines Lernspiels für den Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz in dessen Entwicklungsprozess erhoben und in der Konzeption von Spielszenarien mit berücksichtigt werden. Das Tutorium lädt dazu ein, am Beispiel des Projektes E.F.A. zu erfahren, warum es eine Rolle spielt, den Blick sowohl auf die positiven als auch negativen Gefühle der Nutzer:innen zu richten und zu verstehen. Es werden zum einen Methoden vorgestellt, wie Emotionen sichtbar gemacht werden sowie auch deren Grenzen diskutiert. Durch interaktive Einheiten im Tutorium, in denen sich die Teilnehmer:innen selbst in die Rolle von Spieler:innen begeben und so auch ihre eigenen Emotionen und Bedürfnisse während des Spielprozesses erfahren können, wird auf anschauliche Weise für das Thema sensibilisiert.

Note: A Firefox or Chrome browser is absolutely required for the test game (IOS devices or Safari browsers unfortunately do not work), the event is purely online.